
The most valuable thing in the business of healthcare are resources. There is so much to know and things change so quickly, that you have to know your where to find help. The following links are excellent resources that I have used frequently over the years. I will keep adding to this page as I find things that might help you too.


E-Prescribing - Medicare Incentive Program:

EOB / ERA Remark and Denial Codes: 

Excel Viewer - For PCs (Free from Microsoft)

Language Translation Tool:

Medical Dictionary (spell check) supplement for Mozilla FireFox:

National Guideline Clearinghouse - (evidence based medical treatment measures):

National Insurance Commissioner web site:

PQRI Information, Help, and Reporting:

ZIP code look up:


Excellent How Tos:

How to use NCCI:

How to Complete a CMS 1500 Claim Form: 


  1. Could you answer two basic question:

    Is medical billing different to mental health practice billing (besides CPT coding, of course)? For instance, when I go to the doctor, I pay the co-insurance, the insurance pays it's part and then I get a bill at home to cover the still unpaid portion of the bill. Is this also a practice for mental health professionals? My understanding is that mental health professionals cannot send a bill later to cover the difference between their fee and the insurance rate.

    And does billing within mental health professionals vary (psychologists, social workers, etc.)?

    Your blog is the first one I've ever followed. Thank you,

    1. It just occurred to me that I should point out that I replied to this question with a full post explaining mental health billing. You can find the post and the answer to this question on the main page dated April 23, 2012. Let me know if you need any further clarification or if you have additional questions.

      Thanks for the question!

  2. Hello Ms. Demuro,

    I would like to start by saying that I really do appreciate you taking the time to share your wealth of information and creating this reservoir of knowledge for the all of us.

    I am 25 years old, just out of graduate school. I work for a firm that provides IT medical billing solutions to the medical industry and I am looking to understand the nuances/intricacies of medical billing as a whole. Reading your blog posts has been very informative to me.

    I've been in the business for two and a half months now and I have gotten a head start into understanding some of the details. I was wondering though, if there was a starting point from where I could incrementally add to my understanding or if you just grasp things as you go along? I eventually do want to end up in the healthcare consulting industry. Please advise. Thank you once again for all your help.


    1. Hi Yash!

      Thank you for the compliments. I am sorry for the delayed reply, it has been a busy few days. I really like your question and since there is so much to say on this topic, I plan to write a full post answering you tomorrow (5/2/2012). Tomorrow's reply will not be here in the comments, instead check the main page for my thoughts on this topic. I think that many other readers may have the same question.

      Again, thank you for the comments and your question.

  3. Holly,

    Thank you much for the detailed response, I really do appreciate it. Also, I agree with you on the points of gaining knowledge of TQM, Lean and Six Sigma. My major in graduate school was Engineering Management which goes hand in hand with Operations Management and thereby touches upon topics such as SixSigma, Lean and TQM.

    Coming back to Medical billing, I shall go back through the archives to gain a deeper understanding of the field. Thank You again for your hlep.


  4. Holly,

    Have you abandoned us poor readers? Hope all is well.


  5. Hi Yash, I have not abandoned you! I am sorry I have been remiss in writing. I recently began working on my MBA and as I am sure you know a graduate degree is no small task on top of working full-time :)... I am, however, working on a post right this moment and will try to keep up a little better now that I have the school grove going!

    Thank you for checking on me!

  6. Holly,

    I completely understand how taxing the MBA program can be, when coupled with working full time that is quite a tall order. We are glad you are back writing though :) The last two posts were again supremely informative as always...


  7. Holly,

    I was also wondering what the best way would be to create a Facebook ad for our company? I did take into consideration your advice on advertising on blogs and other websites in the same field. Apart from that I am trying to make use of the Cost Per Click, Click through rates and the whole shabang to create traffic at our website. Awaiting your post on the same.

    Thanks again,

  8. Hi Yash,

    A new post will be up on Monday addressing Facebook and pay-per-click advertising. Check back then!



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