Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where Have I Been Hiding?

I am sorry that I have been such a bad correspondent of late. I owe the readers several posts and promise to catch up over the next few days. Proudly, I am just about to begin working toward my MBA and decided to indulge in a guilty little pleasure that has been stealing away most of my free time.

I am sure that I have mentioned before that I am an avid reader. My preference is classic fiction, although I frequently push myself to read as many modern educational books as possible, mostly about business models and various methodologies. This time, I thought since I am about to dedicate the next 2 years to more education, I could take a little break and enjoy just one more classic before I dive headlong into finance, strategy, and whatever else the MBA holds for me. So, I have been reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens and loving it!  It has been a wonderful little break.

Regardless of my excuses, I am sorry that my post have been so few. I am going to put some useful posts up shortly, but I wanted to pass on my apologies first. Still, if anyone is inclined or just looking for a good book to read and take a load off the mind, David Copperfield is the way to go. But, as I am still not finished with it, please don’t post any spoiler comments here :). 


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